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Budget & Transparency Reports

Overview of Financial Statements

The following documents are the public transparency requirements for community colleges in Michigan as specified by The State School Aid Act of 1979 Section 217a.

Annual Operating Budget

FY 2024-2025 Strategic Plan and Board Approved Budget (pdf)
FY 2023-2024 Strategic Plan and Board Approved Budget (pdf)
Michigan Community College Data Inventory Report (xls)

General Fund Revenue and Expenditures

 FY 2024-2025 Budgeted

  • General fund revenue from tuition and fees: $31,130,530
  • General fund revenue from state appropriations: $19,115,297
  • General fund revenue from property taxes: $28,318,196
  • General fund transfers & other: $2,296,331
  • Total general fund revenue: $80,860,354
  • Total general fund expenditures: $80,318,748

FY 2025-2026 Projection

  • Total general fund revenue (estimated): $82,881,862
  • Total general fund expenditures (estimated): $82,326,716

Debt and Debt Service Obligations

Delta College has no outstanding debt or debt service obligations for projects.

Collective Bargaining Agreements

DCFA Collective Bargaining Agreement (2022-2025) (pdf)
Facilities Management Union Contract (2022-2025) (pdf)

Employee Benefits

The estimated cost to Delta College resulting from the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111-148, as amended by the Health Care & Educational Reconciliation Act of 2010, Public Law 111-152 is $51,992.

Health Insurance PPO Benefits (pdf)
Health Insurance HDHP Benefits (pdf)
Dental Insurance (pdf)
Long-term Disability (pdf)

Audited Financial Statements

Delta College OMB Uniform Guidance Report Year End - June 30, 2023 (pdf)
Delta College Audited Financial Statement Year End - June 30, 2023 (pdf)
Delta College Foundation Financial Statement Year End - June 30, 2023 (pdf)

Board of Trustees Strategic Value Component Section 230(3)

Strategic Values Report Approved October 3, 2023
Memo from the President on Strategic Values Report
Board of Trustees Minutes - October 3, 2023 Draft

Michigan Community College District Map

Michigan Community College District Boundaries Map (pdf)
Paying for College in Michigan

Financial Aid

Financial Aid

Bi-Annual Use and Finance Report

Self-funded projects - 6-30-24 (pdf)
Self-funded projects - 12-31-23 (pdf)
Self-funded projects - 6-30-23 (pdf)
Self-funded projects - 12-31-22 (pdf)
Self-funded projects - 6-30-22 (pdf)
Self-funded projects - 12-31-21 (pdf)
Self-funded projects - 6-30-21 (pdf)
Self-funded projects - 12-31-20 (pdf)
Self-funded projects - 06-30-20 (pdf)

U.S. Department of Education Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF), through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act

Keep posted through June 2027

Delta College - Student Emergency Grants - Quarterly Report ending 12-31-2020
Delta College - Student Emergency Grants - Quarterly Report ending 03-31-2021 - rev. 04-29-2021
Delta College - Student Emergency Grants - Quarterly Report ending 06-30-2021 - rev. 05-13-2021
Delta College - Student Emergency Grants - Quarterly Report ending 09-30-2021 - rev. 05-13-2021
Delta College - Student Emergency Grants - Quarterly Report ending 12-31-2021 - rev. 05-13-2021
Delta College - Student Emergency Grants - Quarterly Report ending 03-31-2022 - rev. 05-13-2021
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 09-30-2020
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 12-31-2020
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 03-31-2021
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 03-31-2021 - rev. 09-03-2021
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 06-30-2021
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 06-30-2021 - rev. 05-16-2022
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 09-30-2021
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 09-30-2021 - rev. 05-12-2022
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 12-31-2021
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 12-31-2021 - rev. 05-12-2022
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 03-31-2022
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 03-31-2022 revised
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 06-30-2022
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 06-30-2022 - rev. 10-17-2022
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 09-30-2022
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 12-31-2022
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 12-31-2022 - rev. 04-17-2023
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 03-31-2023
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 06-30-2023
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 06-30-2023 - rev. 09-14-2023
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 06-30-2023 - rev. 06-26-2024
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 09-30-2023
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 12-31-2023
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 03-31-2024
Delta College - Institutional Spending (HEERF) - Quarterly Report ending 06-30-2024

Expressive Activity and Advocacy Policy

Board Policy 8.011 – Expressive Activity and Advocacy

State of Michigan Public Act 144, Section 227(3)

Michigan Transfer Pathways
Credit for Prior Learning