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Michigan Transfer Agreement


Program Overview

Michigan Transfer Agreement

The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) provides transferability of 30 semester credits to meet many of the general education requirements at participating Michigan colleges and universities. This agreement is the result of registrars from Michigan public and independent colleges and universities working together to facilitate the transfer of general education requirements from one institution to another.

In general, the agreement meets one year of general education requirements for a bachelor's degree. Another feature of the program is that it offers flexibility and customization in course selection.

Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) Requirements

  • English Composition – 1 course
  • English Composition or Communications – 1 course
  • Humanities – 2 courses from 2 subject areas.
  • Mathematics – 1 course 
  • Natural Science – 2 courses from 2 subject areas, 1 course must be a laboratory science
  • Social Science – 2 courses from 2 subject areas.
  • Minimum of 30 credits required. Courses must be completed with a C (2.0) or higher.

To see a list of approved MTA courses and to help plan your schedule, download our MTA planning worksheet (pdf).

Interested? Make an appointment with academic advising to discuss your dreams. Visit transfer agreements and guides to see the whole list of transfer opportunities. Courses transfer differently based on the university you plan to attend. An advisor can help you determine the exact courses you need to get the education you’re looking for.

Earning Potential

Earnings vary depending on the major and career you choose. However, having your associate's can lead to greater job opportunities and higher earning potential as you study for your bachelor's degree. 

Visit Career Coach to research the growth and earning outlook for the career you're considering.

  • Accounting professor working with students in class.
    Transfer seamlessly 

    Representatives from several area universities maintain regular office hours right in our academic advising office, and others drop in frequently. Get the answers you need by making an appointment or stopping by to talk directly with your future university.

    Visit the Transfer Center

Why you should choose Delta

One of the very best things about Delta College is your ability to start here and go anywhere. And, in the process, save thousands (and thousands) of dollars. It's a smart choice!

If you know you want a bachelor's, but you're unsure of which university you'll choose, or even which area of study is right for you, the MTA offers flexibility and room to explore. Take some courses, see what you like!

Need help? Delta College Career Services offers guidance, career assessments, specific industry information, job outlook and other resources to help you plan the path to your perfect career.  


Life is busy. But that shouldn't get in the way of your education. Delta offers classes at night, on weekends and online to make taking classes and getting that degree easier. Plus, Delta has three centers so you can take classes even closer to home.  


Free tutoring

At the Teaching Learning Center, located in the Library, we offer tutoring on a wide variety of subjects, and help with developing study and learning skills. Most tutoring is on a walk-in basis but we do have some online tutoring options.

Best of all, it's free for currently enrolled Delta students. Just another way we demonstrate our commitment to helping students succeed.


 Study abroad

Want to travel and see the world? You can do that at Delta. And, get college credit while you do. Every year Delta offers study abroad opportunities.

Why study abroad?

  • Experience a new culture
  • Improve your foreign language skills
  • Make lifelong friends
  • Find new interests
  • Looks good on job applications
  • Personal growth


Facts & Figures


With the Michigan Transfer Agreement, 30 credits are guaranteed to transfer to any public institution in Michigan.

Graduation cap

More than 30 percent of our students plan to transfer on to earn their bachelor's.

Related Programs

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