Accounting, Budgeting & Reporting
The Accounting, Budgeting and Reporting Office is responsible for the development and maintenance of the college's operating budget.
General Ledger Account Structure
The General Ledger is used to account for the financial transactions of the college. Account numbers are 10 digitsin length and are formatted as FF-CCCC-OOOO, where FF is the Fund, CCCC is the Cost Center and OOOO is the Object.
The first 2 digits (FF) of each account number designate the fund. The fund provides segregation of recording and reporting transactions relative to the nature of the activities, particularly in terms of the sources of revenue funding those activities. The funds used by the college are as follows:
- 01 General Fund
- 02 Designated Fund
- 03 Auxiliary Fund
- 04 Restricted Fund
- 06 Endowment Fund
- 07 Plant Fund - Building & Site
- 08 Plant Fund - Facilities Improvement
- 10 Plant Fund - Capital Assets
- 11 Foundation
- 12 Broadcasting
- 13 Agency Fund
The middle 4 digits (CCCC) of each account number designate the cost center. The cost center provides segregation of activities by specific functions for which separate accounting is required. The first digit of a cost center designates the broad functional category as necessary for State of Michigan reporting, which are as follows:
- 1000-level Instruction
- 3000-level Public Service
- 4000-level Instructional Support
- 5000-level Student Services
- 6000-level Institutional Administration
- 7000-level Facilities Management
The last four digits (OOOO) of each account number designate the object code. The object code identifies the natural account classification of each transaction, and may be applicable to each cost center. The first digit of an object designates the broad natural category. The combination of the first two digits further differentiates the transaction category and is the primary breakdown for budgeting expenses within each cost center.
- 1000-level Revenues
- 2000-level Expenses
- 2100-level Full Time Salaries and Wages
- 2200-level Part time Salaries and Wages
- 2300-level Fringe Benefits
- 2400-level Supplies and Services
- 2500-level Equipment
- 2600-level Professional Development and Travel
- 2700-level Cost of Sales (primarily Auxiliary Services)
- 3000-level Assets
- 4000-level Liabilities and Fund Balance
Running Budget Reports
Budget reports must be created from the Datatel menu.
GLBS - Budget Status Report (use for detail transactions and balances):
The GLBS - Budget Status Report overview (PDF) includes how to set up a report for a specific date range and several examples of
how to run it.
GLBA - Budget to Actual Report (use for summary balance in a concise report format):
This GLBA - Budget to Actual Report overview (PDF) includes how to set up the parameters to run a report for the previous year.
Budget Transfer Form (use to transfer budget dollars between object categories and/or cost centers)
The Budget Transfer Form (PDF) is used to move dollars between cost centers.