Tuition Payment Plan

This plan allows you to automatically pay your tuition and fees in monthly installments, with payments beginning prior to the start of each semester.

How it works

After registering for classes, you can sign up for the tuition payment plan with Nelnet.  You will be required to provide bank account or credit card information from which all of your tuition plan payments will be automatically deducted. The number and amount of monthly payments, as well as any applicable down payment, will depend upon your tuition and fee balance and when you enroll in the plan. The unpaid account balance will be divided evenly by the number of months over which your tuition payment plan spans. All tuition payment plans paid with a debit or credit card will be assessed an additional 2.85% service fee on each payment amount. (Rates are subject to change)

You must enroll in the tuition payment plan prior to the payment due date to avoid being dropped from your classes. You will be charged a non-refundable enrollment fee of $25 when you sign up for the tuition payment plan. A new plan may be entered into each semester.

Fall 2024

Last date to enroll Required down payment Number of payments Payment periods
06/01/24 None 6 June - November
06/30/24 None 5 July - November
07/26/24 None 4 August - November
08/13/24 25% 3 September - November

Available only if registering after payment due date – August 13, 2024

Last date to enroll Required down payment Number of payments

Payment periods

08/30/24 40% 2 October - November
09/26/24 50% 1 October - November
10/25/24 50% 1 November

Winter 2025 Tuition payment plan available tentatively October 16, 2024

Apply for the plan

Simply complete and submit the tuition payment plan application along with your payment information to Nelnet using the link below. When you click on the button below you will be directed to log in to your Student Self-Service account.  

Nelnet will collect a $25 enrollment fee from your bank account or credit card and will notify Delta College that you have enrolled in the Tuition Payment Plan. The down payment and all future payments will be collected by Nelnet directly from your bank account or credit card according to the application you submit.

Set up your plan

Tuition payment plan terms and conditions

    • The Tuition Payment Plan cannot be used to purchase books.
    • A $25 non-refundable enrollment fee is required when you enroll in a plan.
    • A 2.85% service fee is added to all debit and credit card payments. (Rates subject to change)
    • The minimum amount that can be budgeted through a Plan is $150.
    • Payments are charged on the 5th of each month to the bank account or credit card provided. If a payment cannot be collected when due, a $25 returned payment fee will be assessed by Nelnet.  If your bank account or credit card does not have sufficient funds to cover the payment when attempted by Nelnet, your financial institution may also charge you additional fees.  
    • When a payment is returned due to insufficient funds, Nelnet will make two more attempts to collect payment. On the third try, if there is still not enough money in the bank account or the charge card has reached its limit, Nelnet will notify us.  We will have the option of de-registering you from your classes.  Any balance remaining on your student account will be due in full and payable immediately.
    • If you default on a Tuition Payment Plan, you will not be able to participate in another Tuition Payment Plan for one year from the time you pay off your student account balance.

Contact us
Make an appointment with student services departments.

1961 Delta Road
University Center, MI 48710