Internships and Co-ops

Having work experience will build your résumé while you also gain valuable workplace skills. This makes you more marketable for that full-time dream job you are seeking after you earn your degree or certificate here at Delta College. We can help connect you to co-op and internship employment.

Learn while you work and gain experience

If you have chosen your educational path, a co-op or internship opportunity can provide you with valuable experience and income while you are taking classes.

Benefits to workforce experience during college include:

    • Solve real-world problems and issues you won’t find in a classroom or a textbook.
    • Experience can give you a competitive advantage and is attractive to employers.
    • You can test the waters. Be sure the career path you’re on is right for you.
    • Improve personal communication skills, gain professional technical skills such as computer skills, and demonstrate you are a highly reliable and effective employee.

Open roles available!

Accounting Intern – Bay Arenac ISD

Engineering Co-op – SC Johnson

Mechatronics Co-op – Hemlock Semiconductor

Quality Engineering Co-op – Hemlock Semiconductor

Marketing intern – Bay Area Chamber of Commerce

Contact to apply.

Other employment opportunities are available for Delta students. Are you eligible for work study and want to work off campus? Check out OFF CAMPUS work opportunities for Literacy Council of Bay County, First Ward Community Center, Carrollton Schools, New Dimensions and Saginaw Public Library by visiting our Student Employment page.  Need more convenience? Check out our on-campus student jobs too.


It takes an average of four weeks after you apply for co-op/internship to be connected to an employer to schedule the interview. Plan to submit your Delta co-op/internship application early!

Application period Desired semester  Work start date 
April 16 – August 15 Fall 2024 September
August 16 – December 15 Winter 2025 January
December 16 – April 15 Summer 2025 June

What is needed?

Based on employer need, these are the co-op/internship positions in highest demand:

    • Accounting Support
    • Business Support
    • IT Support Professional
    • Marketing/Communications Support
    • Office Administrative Assistant

How It Works

    1. Student emails their interest.
    2. Delta responds with dates for mandatory informational meeting and co-op/internship application. Student chooses date and replies to email.
    3. Student prepares a great resume using free Delta resources.
    4. Student brings resume and attends required 30 minute informational meeting, is provided a co-op/internship opportunity list of jobs to choose from. Resume will be reviewed during the meeting.
    5. Student submits co-op/internship application, final resume and Interest List response to Delta College via
    6. Delta matches employer to student and confirms via email.
    7. Student prepares for the interview using free Delta resources for interview prep. You are competing against other students for the job. Be ready!
    8. Employer contacts student, provides student any additional job posting link needed, schedules the interview and determines if they will make an offer including wage, start and end time of co-op/internship or work study experience.
    9. Student receives offer by employer and accepts.
    10. If student is not chosen by employer, Workforce Experience team will reach out to student and provide an opportunity to be rematched to another employer available, directed to open job postings on College Central Network website, or directed to relevant student worker roles that may be available.


What is an internship? Employment at a local business, civic or government organization. Positions are paid by the business and ideal for completing project work that aligns with the student’s program of study.

Student may work and attend classes during internship. During summer, the student may not take classes and opt instead to work full time. This role builds up experience on the students resume which may be applicable to future roles with multiple employers.

    • Student explores a career while building technical and professional skills.
    • Eligible students must be enrolled 6 credits and have a 2.0 GPA or greater.
    • Interships are typically done in the summer. Fall and winter semesters may be available.
    • Lasts 10–12 weeks
    • 12–15 hours of work per week; up to 40 hours during summer based on business need


What is a co-op? Co-operative education positions (co-op) are paid by the business and ideal for the student to experience the culture of an organization, while building basic professional skills. Students from a variety of degree paths can be employed to fill entry level roles. The business commitment for placement typically is for two semesters beginning in the fall and ending in the spring with the student working part time and attending Delta College.

    • Student uses position to define their career path after graduation, builds robust relationship with business.
    • Eligible students must be enrolled 6 credits and have a 2.0 GPA or greater.
    • Lasts 1–2 semesters (4–8 month commitment), typically beginning in fall
    • Average of 18–20 hours per week

Other employment experiences

Internship or Co-op not for you? It’s ok. There are options. Search for Jobs in the community or on campus.

To help match you to the best job possible, we need to get to know you and your interests. Contact us at or 989-686-9594.  


Contact us
Make an appointment with student services departments.

1961 Delta Road
University Center, MI 48710