
Video Assignments

Bongo Video Assignments are structured workflows that individuals complete asynchronously. Organizations use these video exercises to facilitate repeated skill practice, peer-to-peer collaboration, and the application of knowledge within a real-world context. Once individuals complete a Video Assignment, they submit their recording for personalized feedback and coaching.

Visit Bongo's support website for tutorials or watch the Delta College recorded training to get started!

If you need more assistance, download D2L's full instructor guide or reach out to the eLearning office.

Virtual Classroom

Virtual Classroom facilitates real-time conversations between multiple parties through video. Our web conferencing tool integrates seamlessly into D2L.

  1. Enable live lectures, training sessions, and other face-to-face activities online in real-time.
  2. Provide an online environment for discussion, group work, and additional instruction.
  3. Hold meetings, office hours, and interviews online without losing the personal connection of a face-to-face conversation.
  4. Conduct polls, facilitate break-out activities, annotate content, and gather feedback to keep learners engaged.

Download D2L's complete guide (PDF) for using virtual classroom or visit Bongo's website for tutorials to get started.