Speakers & Events

Delta College is host to many special events, speakers and conferences each year, providing an opportunity for businesses, schools and community groups to visit the campus and experience the programs, services and facilities that Delta offers. Special events are an important aspect of the college's business and community outreach and can generate publicity and enhance the college's marketing and recruitment efforts.

Planning an event

Special events at the college are approved and planned either as an internal, college-sponsored event or as an external, non-sponsored event. For all Delta College sponsored events, the sponsoring department/committee has primary responsibility for the planning, organizing and notifications required for their event. These planning arrangements include, but are not limited to, scheduling of rooms, hallways and other facilities, ordering food service, arranging set-up, determining equipment needs, ordering equipment, etc. If a new event is being considered, it should first be submitted to Room Scheduling prior to any commitment of Delta facilities or services, to be reviewed to determine whether this is a college-sponsored event.  The sponsoring department coordinator for college-sponsored events is also responsible for communicating to the group that only latex safe gloves, balloons, decorations, products, etc., be used on college property to avoid potential related risks and allergic reactions to employees, students, and visitors. See our latex-safe product statement.

The use of Delta College facilities for special events and activities, whether college-sponsored or non-college-sponsored, must be scheduled during the normal campus hours of operation.  Hours outside of the normal college hours of operation must receive approval from the Director of Business Services.

Normal college hours of operation are:

    • Monday – Thursday, 7am–10:30pm
    • Friday, 7am–9pm
    • Saturday, 8am–7pm
    • Sunday, 12–6pm

Room Scheduling coordinates all external, non-college-sponsored events, and provides assistance and support services for college-sponsored events. 

Speakers, Entertainers, Authors, Presenters Agreement (SEAP)

The SEAP Agreement is used for personal services by and between Delta College and the speaker, entertainer, author or presenter. Examples include entertainment for a student awards ceremony or a guest speaker in a class. The department is responsible for completing the form in its entirety, including obtaining SEAP signature, and submit it with a completed requisition to Business Services prior to the event.

Submit the following to Business Services:

It is recommended you submit your paperwork a minimum of three weeks in advance.

Frequently asked questions

If a new event is being considered, it should first be submitted to the Room Scheduling/Special Events office for review to be considered an internal, college‐sponsored event, prior to any commitment of Delta facilities or services. For any Delta College sponsored event, the college assumes full responsibility for the action of the participants and any liability that may result from the occurrence of a sponsored event. The sponsoring department must also identify the cost center that will be charged for any of the direct costs associated with the event. The sponsoring department/committee is responsible for all planning and coordination of the event and must have a representative attending the event and any pre‐ and/or post‐event activities. Some of these responsibilities include verifying set‐up, tear down and/or clean up, assisting attendees when appropriate and working with the various internal service providers to ensure a successful event.  

If you are planning a new event, it must first be reviewed by the Room Scheduling/Special Events office in order to be considered an internal, college‐sponsored event. If you believe your event should be classified as a Delta College-sponsored event, please send, via email, the following information to Business Services.

    • The name of the event
    • A brief description of the event
    • The sponsoring department/committee
    • The sponsoring department's cost center number
    • The name of the cost center manager that has approved your event
    • The name of the individual that has been designated as the management representative for the event
Sponsored events include educational events in partnership with area schools such as the Science Olympiad, Social Sci‐Q, Young Authors' Day, HOSA Competition or Business Skills Day; athletic events such as the Al Kaynor/Delta Invitational cross‐country meet; events that support college clubs or organizations such as the DECA Arts and Crafts Show, Tooth Brush Sales or Bake Sales; and events that reach out to the college community such as the President's Speaker Series or the Allegro Concert program.
Yes. Delta College's Planetarium is a popular location for meetings, conferences and team building events. Both the Downtown Midland and Saginaw centers are also great locations for group meetings, training sessions and seminars.
Nearly all of our facilities, including classrooms, meeting rooms, lecture halls, Commons, gymnasiums, hallways, tennis courts, cross‐country course or parking lots are available for use.

Yes.  Liability Insurance and Indemnity is required for ALL events at a college location.  To the extent permitted by applicable law, LESSEE shall indemnify and hold Delta College harmless from liability, claims, actions, damages, liability and expense, including providing a defense, in connection with the loss of life, personal injury, or damage to property arising from or out of the occupancy or use by LESSEE of the Facilities or any part thereof except for claims arising from Delta College’s negligence, actions, and/or omissions. LESSEE shall at all times during the term hereof, carry and maintain, for the mutual benefit of Delta College and LESSEE and naming Delta College, any other parties in interest designated by Delta College, and LESSEE as additional insured parties, general public liability and property damage insurance with respect to the Facilities and the business operated by LESSEE in the Facilities against third party claims for personal injury, sickness or disease, including death, and property damage in, on or about the Facilities, such insurance to afford protection to the limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 in respect to each person, and to the limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 in respect to any one occurrence causing bodily injury or death, and liability for property damage of not less than $1,000,000.00 in respect to any one occurrence, and Worker’s Disability Compensation Act insurance required by the laws of the State of Michigan.

In general, four to six weeks is sufficient time to schedule meetings or small gatherings. Larger events are often scheduled up to one year in advance. The college's scheduling priorities are:

    1. Delta College academic classes and programs
    2. Workforce Strategies, Academic Divisions and Criminal Justice programs
    3. Delta College athletic‐related events
    4. Internal, college‐sponsored events
    5. External, non‐sponsored events
Requests are evaluated on a case‐by‐case basis by the Room Scheduling/Special Events office in accordance with the college's guidelines regarding sales and solicitations.  In general, there are no sales permitted and the organization or business hosting the event may not charge attendees.

Delta College's Office of Information Technology has a variety of AV equipment to meet your needs. 

Classrooms come equipped with projectors and screen; "smart" classrooms and lecture halls generally include an overhead projector and screen, data projector, document camera and plug‐ins for your laptop computer. Please contact OIT at 989-686-9575 for additional information. 

There is no facility usage fee for Delta College-sponsored events. However, direct costs such as set‐up, Public Safety and supervision costs are quoted on a per event basis.  There is a room fee, as well as direct costs, charged for non-College-Sponsored events.

The sponsoring department is responsible for providing signage for their event. Sign stands, which hold a standard 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper can be requested through the Facilities Department.  For non-sponsored events, signage would be requested directly through the Room Scheduling/Special Events office.

No. In order to comply with governmental health regulations and to protect the college from food‐related liability issues, the college's Creative Dining Services have exclusive rights for catering, food service and beverage needs at all Delta facilities. Dining Services will be happy to meet with you and discuss your unique needs and can help you plan a menu that fits the needs and budget of your event.