
A pre-approval form must be processed and on file before any business-related travel takes place. If no pre-approval form has been granted, the College reserves the right to withhold any reimbursement to the employee.

Complete the Pre-Approval Travel Request Form

Booking your accommodations

All employees are responsible for booking their own hotel accommodations through the Egencia website at www.egencia.com or any other provider. First time users of Egencia must request a login from Business Services.  Arrangements not booked through Egencia must be paid directly by the employee and submitted with detailed receipt for reimbursment upon conclusion of the trip.

When booking hotels, it is important to pay careful attention to which type of hotel is being selected.  If "pay by my company" is selected, the room will be charged to Delta College directly.  If "pay at hotel" is selected, the staff will be responsible for paying the hotel bill when they arrive at the hotel.

Accommodations for college employees will be based on the standard or conference rate. Should an employee desire an upgrade to a room other than standard, the employee will be reimbursed only for the standard single/double rate. If an employee is sharing a room with another employee, the rate will be based on the double occupancy rate.

Additionally, supervisors are responsible for approving their staff member's hotel accommodations through the same online portal. Supervisors who have not used Egencia also need to contact Business Services to request a login.

It is important that all users update their account to reflect their email address to ensure that they receive all updates regarding their accommodations. Conference codes cannot be accommodated through Egencia and arrangements need to be made by the employee, as instructed in the conference material.

Room rates with conference codes

Conference codes for special hotel rates cannot be accommodated through Egencia. To utilize a conference code, arrangements should be made directly by the employee, as instructed in the conference materials. Employees should pay for the hotel room directly, and submit for reimbursement upon conclusion of the trip. To do so, the employee should complete the Travel Expense Account Form and submit it with the supervisor/cost center manager approval to Business Services. A detailed copy of the paid receipt (not the credit card summary receipt) must be included.  


It is the responsibility of the Delta College employee to make all cancellations and communicate to their supervisor that the event has been cancelled. Any cancellation fees charged to the college will be charged to the individual's cost center.