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Possible Dream Program

For many young people who lack financial resources, going to college can be a far-off dream. But Delta College, and its supporters, can make it happen!

The Possible Dream program encourages students to reach their highest potential, with priority consideration for a Delta College scholarship when they graduate! Students are provided cultural and educational opportunities that broaden their horizons. Our students are exposed to college life and are given the opportunity to explore higher education.

The ultimate goal is for all Possible Dream participants to graduate from high school and then go on to college. We can make that happen with special scholarships to those who attend Delta College.


The Possible Dream program has made a significant impact on thousands of children by giving them a reason to believe in their dreams. Delta College has confirmed that 70% of our graduating Possible Dream students have gone on to attend college.

All activities are free to Possible Dream program participants. The Possible Dream program is fully funded by the generosity of our sponsors and attendees of  A Chocolate Affair, our annual fundraising event.

Pretty incredible facts

  • Our first class of Possible Dream students graduated from high school in 1998
  • Over 2,500 students have been a part of the program since its inception
  • 65% of Possible Dream graduates have attended Delta College
  • Many students have transferred on to universities to continue their education
  • Some have earned occupational degrees and entered the workforce
  • Others have served our country as proud members of the military

Application process

  • Selection is based on teacher recommendations, academic abilities and socioeconomic criteria.
  • Students can be nominated by teachers, counselors, principals or can choose to self-nominate with the recommendation of a teacher. 
  • Middle school students are inducted into the program every year in the spring, and remain a part of the program through high school graduation.
  • Students in grades 6, 7 and 8 are selected from schools in Bay, Midland and Saginaw counties.
  • Nomination period runs from October 1 – Novemer 30 each year.


Possible Dream Scholarship

  • This scholarship is for $2,000 per year for two years, if a student is enrolled full-time (12 credits or more).
  • Applicants must have been involved in the Possible Dream program throughout their middle- and high-school years.
  • Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for this scholarship.
  • Students who received this scholarship can receive it for two consecutive years.

Learn how to apply to the SCHOLARSHIP

Information for Parents

Frequently asked questions

How does my child get nominated to the Possible Dream Program?

Students can be nominated by teachers, counselors, principals or can choose to self-nominate with the recommendation of a teacher. Selection is based on teacher recommendations, academic abilities and socioeconomic criteria. Students are selected from schools in Bay, Midland and Saginaw counties.

Does it cost money for my child to be in this program?

Admission and activities are free. There is no cost to become a member of the Possible Dream program or to participate in activities. The Possible Dream program is fully funded by donors through the Delta College Foundation.

What kinds of activities do members of the Possible Dream Program participate in?

We offer our members a variety of activities that will broaden their horizons and keep them interested in pursuing higher education. Typical activity offerings include but are not limited to: test preparation and college preparation workshops; performances at area venues like the Dow Event Center and Midland Center for the Arts; STEM based workshops; computer/video game design workshops; leadership workshops; art camps and workshops; fitness festivals and a variety of Delta College summer camps.

Events take place year-round, with the majority of activities taking place on evenings and weekends. Some events occur in a series, where an event program can have four or more weekly occurrences. Times and dates for activities vary depending on the event.

How does transportation work?

We charter buses to transport Possible Dream participants to the activities. The buses pick up students at Delta campuses. We provide transportation to an event from campuses that are not in the county where the event takes place. For instance, if an event is held at the Dow Event Center in Saginaw, we would provide bus pick-up and drop-off from our Midland and Main Campus (Bay City) locations.

Will my child have to attend every event?

No, it is not required that your child attend every event. We encourage our members to take advantage of as many opportunities as possible.

How long are students in the program?

Students are able to participate in the Possible Dream program from the time they are accepted into the program until they graduate from high school.

Can parents be chaperons for the activities?

No, we do not allow parents to chaperone Possible Dream activities. All of our chaperons are Delta College employees or Delta College student volunteers who have been background checked.

If my child changes schools, may he/she continue in the Possible Dream program?

As long as your child attends school in Bay County, Midland County, or Saginaw County, they are eligible to continue in the program.

Does my child have to be receiving financial assistance to be in the program?

In order to participate in the Possible Dream program, a child must be eligible to receive some sort of Federal or State assistance that is based on low income guidelines.

How long has the program been around?

The Possible Dream program was founded in 1991. Our first class was inducted into the program in 1992. Since 1992, over 2,000 students in the Tri-Counties have participated in Delta’s Possible Dream program.

Marcial of the Possible Dream Program

"Being in the program has made me see how much potential I actually have. I feel like I could actually be able to go to college after high school. And I am going to work as hard as I can to get good grades. I know I can."

Swan Valley Middle School