Professionals in the advising office are here to help you figure out which classes to take, and when. They really care about your success, and work hard to make sure you’re on the right track to reach your goal.
Whether you're planning to take one class to build skills, complete an associate's degree or take courses to transfer, we can help.
Plan for your Success
The secret behind success is a good plan. We can help. Throughout your time at Delta, you should regularly talk with one of our advisors. At your advising session, we’ll discuss:
- Class selection
- Choosing a major/career pathway
- Transfer planning options
- Staying on track to meet your individual goals
Meet your Student SUccess Advisor
Once you are admitted to the college and complete New Student Orientation, your Student Success Advisor will reach out to you via email with course recommendations and helpful resources.
You can then always log into your MyDelta dashboard to find your Student Success Advisor information. Find the Success Team card to view your advisor's contact information. We are here to help you!
The best way to stay on the right track is to check in with us regularly. We want to make sure your credits will transfer and count toward your degree – even if your plans change.

98% of graduates stay in Michigan.

When Delta opened it's doors in 1961 it served 2,636 students. Today, there are 13,000 students who attend.

94% of Delta College students said they would recommend Delta to a friend.

"The support and motivation I had at Delta kept me going. I could always communicate with my advisers and professors, and they understood that I had a life outside of college. They were flexible."
Delta College Associate of Art Degree with High Honors
Transferred to University of Michigan–Flint