Travel Procedures – International/Study Abroad

Delta has developed a variety of Study Abroad travel experiences. These experiences vary in design from credit to non-credit, one week to five week or a semester in length. It is important to facilitate academic educational travel experiences in an ethical, efficient, effective manner, while allowing for innovative experiences. 


A Study Abroad Committee consisting of seven members is appointed for four-year terms by the College President and the Vice President of Instruction to review the trip proposals and serve as mentors for new trip leaders.

Faculty/staff-led study abroad

Five types of international experiences currently exist at Delta:

    1. Trips that can be taken for credit or non-credit and led by Delta faculty but subcontracted to a tour group.
    2. Travel experiences developed and fully led by Delta faculty to study in another country. 
    3. Academic experiences offered through College Consortium for International Study (CCIS), where students attend with students from around the world. 
    4. Semester or year-long programs offered through CCIS. 
    5. Academic work internships held at a site outside the US and sponsored by CCIS or another approved program. 

Other delivery systems may be included, such as, Delta College courses offered for credit at an international destination, North American destination in Canada or in the U.S.

Trip approval

All proposed Delta College travel experience trips, new and formerly approved, must be submitted to the Manager of Study Abroad.  Once reviewed for completeness, the proposal will be submitted to the Study Abroad Committee chair and reviewed by the Study Abroad Committee.  After presentation by trip leaders to the committee, members will vote to present the trip to the Vice President of Instruction with or without reservation.  The Vice President of Instruction has final approval or denial rights.  Proposals should be submitted at least a year to 18 months in advance of the trip’s starting date.


Proposals must be completed on the trip proposal packet and will include total trip price and budget, which should include credit and non-credit fees in the price. The proposal should also include a draft of the brochure, which will include the itinerary, trip leader(s) and experience, required orientation process, educational syllabus, payment schedule, registration process, refund policy and specific trip details as required and known. Leaders for the proposed trip must be present during the committee meeting. In addition to reviewing the trip, the Study Abroad Committee will discuss safety concerns, legal ramifications and any factors that may affect the trips safety of participants.

Trip financial accountability

A proposed budget is required for trip approval and the Study Abroad Office requires a final financial report. Using the appropriate format, the proposed budget and final report should outline total trip price and budget, expenses and income.

    • Bidding Process
      All College procedures regarding the competitive bidding process should be followed when feasible. To maintain standards, information on this may be obtained from the Purchasing Office.
    • Utilization of Funds
      The utilization of funds internationally, including the transfer of funds overseas, must follow College guidelines. Accounting for the use of funds must also follow established College guidelines.
    • Cash Advances
      Requests for advances must include specific justification and be approved by the Study Abroad Program Manager or the Vice President of Instruction before payment is made. Advances become part of the trip account funds and all normal disbursement policies will apply, including receipts and/or invoices that support expenditures, and refunds of any excess funds. A record of non-receipt expenditures will be maintained.
    • Trip Cost Management
      The cost of each travel experience is expected to be covered by the trip deposits and payments. Upon approval of the trip, a separate College account managed by each trip leader, with authorization by the supervising administrator, must be set up to facilitate trip expenditures and the collection of trip fees.
    • Trip Accounts
      Each trip must have a separate account. All account funds are the property of Delta College and may only be spent for direct costs of an approved trip. The Study Abroad Program Manager or the Vice President of Instruction must approve major expenditures in advance before payment is made. The College’s normal disbursement policy will be followed, which specifically requires receipts and/or invoices that support such expenditures.

Trip deposits

No trip deposits or payments can be collected until the Vice President of Instruction approves the proposed travel experience.


Before approval, advertisement of pending trips can be made but must clearly indicate that the plans are TENTATIVE pending travel approval from the Vice President of Instruction.


To the extent appropriate scholarship funds are available, scholarships will be offered to students who are interested in studying in an international academic program either offered by Delta College or through College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS), or other approved international study programs. These experiences must include enrollment in an academic course and preferably a four to five week living experience in the designated country.

Health insurance

The Delta College Study Abroad Office requires that all trip participants enrolled in a Delta travel study program be covered by an appropriate health and accident insurance policy. 

Local travel and customs

Trip leaders, with the support of the Manager of Travel Abroad, will generally ascertain local law and customs governing such matters as may affect the travelers and provide that information to the Study Abroad Committee or the Vice President of Instruction at the time approval of the trip is requested. The leader should keep current with changes occurring between the time of the trip approval and the time of the trip, and inform all participants in the trip of such local laws and customs. Notwithstanding the obligations of the trip leader, travelers will take personal responsibility for knowing and conforming their behavior to local law and custom and must execute an appropriate waiver and indemnification agreement as part of their application to participate in the trip.

Disruptive participants

Trip leaders have the right to remove participants from further participation in the trip in the event that participants’ behavior of further membership in the group poses a danger to him/herself or others, or materially impacts learning or enjoyment of the trip by the other participants. Extra expenses involved in the unscheduled return will be the responsibility of the student.

Trip cancellation

The College in consultation with the Study Abroad Committee when possible may cancel a trip or cut a trip short in the event of a situation that the College decides such as action is warranted. An example of a situation that could lead to such a decision would be issuance of a U.S. Department of State Travel Warning or Public Announcement recommending avoidance of travel. Groups traveling to vulnerable destinations should be advised to purchase trip cancellation policies to cover unforeseen dangerous situations that may arise at the last minute. *(See Risk & Liability cancellation policy)

Trips offered for academic credit

All academic courses offered for credit must be approved by the Curriculum Council before trip proposal is submitted to the Manager of Study Abroad. When the course (s) is approved, the Chair of the Curriculum Council and the appropriate Associate Dean will sign off.

Independent study/individual instruction

Credit offered will follow the existing procedure:

Independent Study
When a student is requesting coursework, which is not already found in currently existing courses.

Individual Instruction
When the outcomes are the same or similar to an already existing class.  A maximum of 4 students may be enrolled for the same course number.

Non-academic credit

Attach statement of educational objectives to the Study Abroad Trip Proposal packet.


The College will provide information to participants concerning refunds and related matters in the information packet provided to participants at the time they apply to take the trip. In general, refunds will not be provided where a trip is cut short due to disruptive participants.

Selection of trip participants

Trip leaders have the right to refuse a participant in an overseas experience based on considerations reasonably related to the purposes of the trip. The participant will be notified of the refusal and the right to appeal the decision to the Vice President of Instruction.

Trip capacity

Capacity will not normally exceed 10 people to one leader, exceptions must have approval from the Vice President of Instruction. Nor will trips take place where the number of participants is too small to enable coverage of the costs of the trip. The Vice President of Instruction must approve exceptions.


Trip leaders should make 2 copies of each passport. One copy should be left with the Study Abroad Manager and the other to be kept by the trip leader for emergencies. At least one family member should be encouraged to have a passport for backup emergency travel.

Liability issue

    • Each person participating in a program, which involves foreign travel, must sign an assumption of risk form. Forms are available in the Study Abroad Office. Participants should also carry an Emergency Information Form.
    • If ANY travel abroad program(s) are advertised through the College, Delta e-mail system, or in print with the College name listed, it is considered to be a College sponsored program and is subject to the above regulations.
    • Any services (hotel, busses) independently contracted by trip leaders should, when possible, have documentation that those service providers are covered by insurance.
    • The Business Office will update the Manager of Study Abroad and the Study Abroad Committee on risk management issues relating to trips at least once a year.

Trip leader subsidy

The transportation, lodging, and per diem expenses of trip leaders may be subsidized by the trip costs paid by participants.  A minimum of 10 participants is required to fully subsidize each trip leader’s expenses.  In trips with a lower ratio of participants to leaders, the leaders may prorate subsidy of their expenses.  

Free trips given by travel agencies must be given to trip leaders; extra free trips cannot be given to family members of trip leaders. Rather they should be given to other staff members assisting with the trip or offer students scholarships, or reduce the cost for each participant as a whole when possible.