Set yourself apart and get more from your Delta experience. Join the Honors program. It’s challenging. It’s rewarding. And, it’s free to apply.
As an Honors student, you are actively involved in the learning process. You are part of a community of students who enjoy learning as much as you do. For many students, instructors become lifelong mentors.
The program is flexible. You can take as many or as few honors classes as you like. The Honors Program provides community service and leadership opportunities that may interest you.
The Delta College Honors Program is a member of the National Collegiate Honors Council.
Honors Program Eligibility
All you need to do is meet one of the following criteria:
- Accuplacer Reading Skills score of 256 or higher
- Accuplacer Writing Skills score of 256 or higher
- SAT Composite score of 1200 or higher
- High School GPA of 3.5 or higher
- Minimum of 12 Delta College credits with overall GPA of 3.2 or higher
Once you apply to Delta, make sure you apply to Honors and get the most from your college experience.
Take Honors Courses
Having Honors classes on your transcript highlights creative thinking through engaging interactive learning.
Achieve Honors Option Credit
Create your own opportunities by completing exciting projects in courses of your choice.
The Honors Leadership Board exists to provide service and leadership challenges outside the classroom, including participating in regional and national organizations.
What are the benefits?
The benefits of the program vary for each student, but one aspect remains the same – it’s definitely worth it!
Get recognized for your hard work. Credit for Honors courses or Honors Option Projects you complete will be appear on your transcript, if you meet the requirements, both the Honors Certificate and President's Award for Excellence in Honors will appear on your official college transcript. The Caroline Gruenberg Wirtz Honors Student Leadership Award is given annually to a graduating honors student who demonstrates community leadership.
These are samples of Honors courses. If you don’t see that perfect class that fits your schedule, you may add an honors option to a non Honors class and get Honors credit.
College Composition I
English 111H (3 credits) aims at making you a more fluent, effective, creative, and
confident writer. You will have opportunities to share your writing with your classmates
and to meet one-on-one with your instructor. ENG 111H is offered in the Fall and Winter
College Composition II
English 112H (3 credits) is a continuation of ENG 111H and works to expand your writing
abilities and includes academic research writing. This course is offered Fall and
Winter semesters. Prerequisite: ENG 111
Honors Speech
Fundamentals of Oral Communication, COM 112HW (3 credits) and Interpersonal Communication,
COM 114HW (3 credits) are designed to provide an in-depth experience in communication
theory and practice through considerable discussion and interaction among students.
COM 112HW is usually offered in the Fall semester and COM 114HW is offered in the
Human Heredity And Sexuality
If you are looking for a fascinating, cutting-edge science/lab Honors Course, then
BIO 199H (4 credits) is the class for you! You will explore the roles that inheritance
and sexuality play in deciding how we act. You will also look at the ethical, legal
and economic implications of advances in biotechnology. Guest speakers, videotapes,
and field trips will help you appreciate the role of science in the world today. BIO
199H is offered in the Fall semester. Prerequisite: High School Biology and Chemistry
or permission of instructor.
Honors Colloquy
Honors Colloquy, IHU 201HW/ENG 201HW (3 credits) is a highly interactive course designed
for Honors students. This class will help you develop advanced critical and creative
thinking skills. You will explore thinking as a process and concentrate on developing
clear writing skills. You will also get to know your classmates and discover more
about yourself. Colloquy is offered both Fall and Winter semesters.
General Psychology
Honors Psychology, PSY 211HW (4 credits) will go beyond learning the basic principles
behind human experience and behavior by applying it to case studies and your own life
experience. This course is offered Fall and Winter.
Learning Community
The Power of the Past is a combined course of College Composition II (ENG 112H) (3
credits) and Survey of Early Western Civilization (HIS 111HW) (4 credits). The course
integrates the history of Early Western Civilization with composition focusing on
the development of humanism in Western Civilization. This course is offered in the
Winter semester only.
Seminar in Social Issues
This interdisciplinary course, IHU 282HW/SOC 282HW(3 credits) will explore a controversial
topic each semester. Past topics have included: rumors, riots, mobs, religious fundamentalism,
UFO's as a social phenomenon, and cults and counter cultures. Guest presenters with
special expertise in areas such as sociology, history and philosophy will aid in discussions.
Students will learn through discussion, reading, and critical thinking. Short essay
papers and a group presentation will make this class a rewarding experience. This
seminar is offered in the Winter Semester.
There are two student organizations specifically geared toward Honors students. The first is the Honors Leadership Board (HLB) is a student organization formed to give students more opportunities to get involved in Delta's Honors program outside of a classroom, as well as to collaborate with regional and national organizations having similar goals.
The second is Phi Theta Kappa students are eligible for scholarships at hundreds of four-year institutions. In addition to providing scholarship opportunities, Phi Theta Kappa students stay active in various scholarly and fun activities, help raise money for various charitable groups within our community, and have a chance to meet other Phi Theta Kappa students within Delta, within Michigan and from across the world.
When you’re an active Honors member, you can qualify for priority registration. It gives you the option to register for classes before other Delta students. With the best selection of classes, you’ll have the perfect class schedule.
Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to fit in an extra service project? Join a new club? (Or start one!)
This full ride Scholarship provides the following:
- Tuition, fees, and required books for two consecutive years
- Travel scholarship of $500 will be set aside to be used toward a Delta College international Travel Study
- The $100 application fee to join Phi Theta Kappa (PTK -- the international honor society for two-year colleges offers many transfer scholarships to universities around the country)
- Academic guidance from an Honors designated Advisor
“I really enjoyed my time at Delta and if I had not been a Presidential Honors Scholar I do not think I would have been as involved or had some of the experiences I did.”
“Honors isn’t just an academic mindset, it is a life mindset.”
“This time allotted helps keep us on track to easily transfer to a four year college. The staff of Delta College was more than helpful when it came to making sure I would graduate on time.”
“I split my volunteer hours between a volunteer opportunity I sought out in my community, and a volunteer opportunity from one of my professors. Having the option to do both was great for me.”
Honors Program Scholarships
The Honors Program Scholarships are awarded to several active Honors students each year. The scholarships are merit-based and no financial need is necessary. To apply for these scholarships students must have applied and been accepted into the Honors Program. Students must be registered for at least six credits.
Visit The Delta College Scholarships page for complete details on all scholarships.
We have agreements in place with other colleges and universities, so when you transfer from Delta your Honors education goes with you.
Agreements include:
Central Michigan University
This agreement is designed to facilitate the transition of students from Delta College
(Delta) to the Honors Program at Central Michigan University (CMU). This agreement
applies to students who transfer to CMU with an associate’s degree or with 56 or more
semester credits or with the MACRAO agreement but does not guarantee acceptance into
CMU or the CMU Honors Program. Delta transfer students must have a cumulative grade
point average of at least 3.5 at Delta or be a Delta College Honors Certificate recipient
to apply to the CMU Honors Program.
Saginaw Valley State University
Delta transfer students who have achieved Delta’s “Honors Certificate” may, upon application
and acceptance in the SVSU Honors Program, be considered for up to a maximum six transferable
Honors credits completed at Delta to count towards SVSU’s Honors Program.
Delta transfer students who have achieved Delta’s “President’s Award for Excellence in Honors,” and who have done so with an independent written Honors project at Delta, may petition the SVSU Honors Committee for consideration of an additional three transferable credits, for up to a maximum total of nine transferable Delta Honors Credits, to count toward the SVSU Honors Program requirements.
Ferris State University
This agreement is designed to facilitate the transition of students from Delta College
(Delta) to the Honors Program at Ferris State University (FSU). This agreement applies
to students who transfer to FSU with Honors classes from Delta. See the listing of
eligible honors courses that transfer with a "C" or better.
Walsh College
Honors Fast Track Program, Bachelor of Business Administration – Management/MBA.
Delta College students who have earned Delta College’s Honors Certificate and whom
maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.30 or higher while enrolled at Delta
College may transfer up to 87 semester credit hours to Walsh College. The Delta College
and Walsh College Honors Fast Track Program provides a structure for completion of
3 specific degrees: General Management ABS to BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)
to MBA (Master of Business Administration).
Lee Honors College of Western Michigan University
For Delta College Honors Program students who wish to continue their honors education
at Western Michigan University.

Delta has 140+ certificate and degree programs.

One in four area high school seniors chose Delta last year.

Every year, Delta College students participate in Alternative Spring Break.

"When Honors students move on from Delta, they’re ready, they’re prepared, they’re excited and they have a vision of their future. And, they have all the tools necessary to be successful."
Honors Program Director