Academic Fresh Start

The Academic Fresh Start policy is designed to assist those students who did not realize their full academic potential during their first attempt at the college experience are being given a second chance to meet their educational goals.

Students are given a second chance by removing low grades for previously taken courses from the academic grade point average (GPA). Although the courses will not be physically removed from your academic record, they will no longer be calculated in your grade point average.

How to submit an Academic Fresh Start appeal

The student will develop an Educational Support Plan with the assistance of the Counselor or Academic Advisor. The Educational Support Plan will become a part of the Fresh Start Appeal and must be followed by the student upon approval of the Academic Fresh Start Appeal. Students receiving state or federal financial aid will be required to consult with a Financial Aid Advisor as a part of the Academic Fresh Start Appeal process as Financial Aid appeals policies have distinct guidelines and are separate from Academic Fresh Start Appeal policies.

    1. Meet with your Student Success Advisor. During that meeting you'll develop an Education Support Plan. That plan will become part of your appeal and adhering to that plan is important.
    2. Students receiving state or federal financial aid will be required to consult with a Financial Aid Advisor as a part of the Academic Fresh Start Appeal process as Financial Aid appeals policies have distinct guidelines and are separate from Academic Fresh Start Appeal policies.
    3. Submit the Academic Fresh Start Appeal form and your Educational Support Plan to the Registrar's Office. 

Additional information

All courses taken at Delta College will remain on the student's permanent records/transcripts. Students may request Fresh Start on all courses with a grade below a C. These grades will become NC (no credit) grades on a student's transcript.

Students may be granted an Academic Fresh Start appeal only once. The cumulative grade point average will be computed using only the satisfactory grades prior to that Fresh Start appeal and all grades earned from the point of the Fresh Start Appeal forward. 

Courses previously used for an earned credential cannot be changed by the Academic Fresh Start appeal.

Academic success plan

An academic success plan is an agreement that specifies actions to be taken by the student. The academic success plan replaces the Educational Support Plan referred to on this page. It includes such things as: 

  • Specific course selection that will provide for maximum success.
  • Number of credits to attempt that semester (based on data presented by student) and approved by their advisor.
  • Resources and recommendations for maximizing student success.


Contact us
Make an appointment with student services departments.

1961 Delta Road
University Center, MI 48710