Art Collection Review Process

Criteria for artwork selection  

Delta College’s permanent art collection has matured, with multiple pieces within its holdings. To better form a sense of its purpose moving forward, the following criteria will be used when determining whether to further add to the collection.

    1. The works acquired for the collection will help fulfill the overall gallery and college art mission.
    2. The collection will include only original art and fine craft.
    3. All artworks will possess a unique or exceptional use of technique, design and/or idea.
    4. It is the intent that artwork will benefit the college and the surrounding community.
    5. New pieces must be approved by the Collection Committee.
    6. Works should be in good condition not requiring immediate repair.


Delta College’s permanent art collection is a mixture of pieces from its own renowned art faculty, as well as guest artists and accomplished students. Art has been accumulated as a function of both donations and purchases. The procedure for acquiring new pieces is as follows:

    1. Decisions about the acceptance or purchase of the artwork will require involvement of the Collection Committee.
    2. For donated artwork, either a faculty member or foundation staff member will be in contact with the donor about the items for donation.
    3. All information related to the piece of artwork (whether donated or purchased) must be obtained so the information can be added to the college’s inventory.
    4. A gift/purchase file will also be made for each object, including all communications that occur throughout the process, and saved in the Foundation office.
    5. Donation: Communications with any potential donor will be handled by the Foundation office.  Paperwork will be generated as to the donation and it’s potential value, as well as a thank you letter to the donor.
    6. Donation declined: If an item is declined, the donor will be notified of the committee’s decision. This notification will include the rational of the committee’s decision. A letter could be sent by the Associate Dean of Arts & Letters or the Foundation office.
    7. Purchase: If the Collection Committee determines that it would like to purchase a piece of artwork, the Foundation office will handle all paperwork related to the payment to the artist. The Foundation will also work as a strong partner in providing funding as needed.
    8. Conflicts of interest: Delta College’s own faculty members may have pieces for consideration of donation or purchase. In the instance where this is the case, the College President will be presented the information for decision-making, to avoid any potential conflict of interest of the Collections Committee.

Collection committee

    1. The Collections Committee will consist of at least 60% of the full-time Delta College art faculty.
    2. Additional members will be from the Foundation office staff, facilities department or others across campus.
    3. Community members with a defined interest in art may also be invited to attend meetings, to provide information as needed.
    4. New pieces must be approved by a Collections Committee prior to either purchase or acceptance as a donation to the College.
    5. The gallery director will work with the department chair to schedule meetings. Additional meetings may be needed as potential donations come to light.

Decommissioning artwork

In order to maintain a collection that is of a manageable size, artwork may need to be decommissioned over time. When that occurs, following are the criteria the Collections Committee may utilize when deciding on which pieces to remove from the collection.

A list of pieces to be decommissioned is brought forward to the Collections Committee by the gallery director. Reasons for consideration include:

    • The object no longer meets the mission of the collection
    • The condition of the work has deteriorated to the point that reasonable repair is not feasible or endangers other objects in the collection.
    • The artwork is discovered to be a duplicate. In the case of a duplicate works the work of greater quality will remain in the collection.
    • The item cannot be cared for properly by the department

Decommissioning will require approval of over 60% of the full-time art faculty. Documentation on the decommissioning process will be held within the Foundation office files.

Options for decommissioning include public auction, sale or transferring the work, and when possible, returned to the original artist. Objects will be disposed of in a manner that most fitting for that circumstance. All proceeds for the sale of an artwork will be held by the Foundation in its Arts & Letters Division fund. The dollars can then be used to purchase additional works for the collection

If these options are not feasible, destruction may be used as a last resort. Under no circumstances will a work be given to an individual.

If an object was donated, the donor should be notified of the sale of the piece, if possible. This should be framed as a notification not a request for approval.

Installation and inventory

When planning to install artwork in public and prominent spaces on campus or throughout the buildings, the Collections committee must consult with the facilities department for any possible restrictions. This may be needed due to fire code, ADA accessibility or other safety reasons.

The purpose of the inventory is to provide a thorough accounting of objects, condition, location and possible issues associated with the collection. Inventory will be conducted every three years or in response to a missing object. This work will be a shared responsibility of the gallery director and the facilities department staff. Student workers and/or staff may aid in the inventory process.