Student Feedback to Instructors
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides scanning of Student Feedback sheets that includes statistical analyses of the Student Feedbacks.
- Student Feedback sheets are available from division offices. (The bookstore stocks them and may be picked up there.)
- Students should use a #2 pencil, press firmly and fill the bubbles completely.
- The Student Feedback sheets must have the following information for each class to
ensure accurate archive record storage:
Semester (example 99/SP)
Instructor's Name (Jones Smith)
Course Number/Section (ENG 111 01) - Classes should be sorted into correct semester and course number/section. Student Feedback sheets should be face up with the timing marks at the bottom of each sheet.
- Student Feedback sheets should be submitted to OIT in an inter-office envelope with OIT’s coversheet by the division office professional.
- OIT will mail back the Student Feedback Sheets unless otherwise instructed.
- These results are stored in a database for future reference for promotion packages. When retrieval is necessary, the division office professional will download the results.
Office of Information Technology (OIT)
Monday–Thursday, 7am – 8:30pm
Friday, 7am – 5pm
The OIT Help Desk closes at 5pm
Friday, 8am – 4pm
- Seven (7) working days at the end of the semester
- Twenty-four (24) hours for small groups during the semester
- Exigent circumstances (e.g., critical timing due to promotion) may be accommodated
upon request
such as an on-campus event.
Revision/review date