Student Conduct Sanctions
In determining appropriate sanctions in the event of violations of the Code of Conduct, the investigation will take into considerations the interests of the complainant, respondent and the over well-being of the College community. This may include a respondent's present and past disciplinary record, academic record, the nature and severity of the offense, injury or harm resulting from the prohibited behavior and any other factors relevant to the matter in question. Delta College may impose any sanction, remedial action, educational activity or community-service requirement that it deems appropriate.
Those outcomes may include, but are not limited to: verbal or written warnings, probation, expulsion, suspension of recognition, permanent revocation of recognition, suspension of eligibility to represent the College in athletic competitions or other events, removal of officers and members, fines, withdrawal of financial or other support such as office space, loss of specified privileges, restitution, letters of apology, reflective writings, no trespassing letter, completion of organizational or campus-wide education initiatives and completion or other compensatory requirements. Any sanction may be with or without other restrictions, or may be in any combination thereof.
Failure to comply with the terms of a sanction may result in additional disciplinary action. Copies of the notice for any penalty or sanction may be sent to appropriate college offices. The following example list of sanctions is illustrative rather than exhaustive. It does not indicate a specific order that must be followed as the severity of a violation may necessitate a more severe sanction.
Warning (verbal or written)
A verbal or written notification that a violation of the Code of Conduct occurred and that any further findings of misconduct may result in more severe disciplinary action. Warnings are typically recorded for internal purposes and will be included in the student’s conduct file/record, but will not be a part of the student’s permanent academic record. A student who receives a warning is still considered in good standing at the College.
Loss of privileges
Denial of the use of certain College facilities or the right to participate in certain activities or to exercise certain privileges for a designated period of time. Examples of this could include students being blocked from course registration, denial of transcript request/release, etc.
A student may be required to make payment to an individual or to the College related to the misconduct for damage, destruction, defacement, theft, or unauthorized use of property.
Relocation or removal from classes or campus
Relocation is the reassignment of a student from one class to another as a result of the offenses or during investigation and what is in the best interests of all parties. Removal from class(es) or campus maybe temporary or permanent based on offense, investigation, and sanctions imposed.
Educational requirements/referrals
Delta College typically attempts to take an educational response when deemed appropriate. The College reserves the right to impose reflective writings or research papers, letters of apology, or substance assessment and interventions, or other required educational sanctions. Educational sanctions may be included with other penalties or sanctions.
A written notification that indicates a serious and active response to a violation of the Code of Conduct. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe sanctions if found responsible for any further violations of the Code of Conduct, including suspension or expulsion from the College. Probations are recorded internally and will be included in the student's conduct file/record, as well as the College's student data base(s), but will not be part of the student's permanent academic record or indicated on a transcript. A student who received a letter of probation is considered to not be in good standing at the College.
The separation of a student from the College for a specified period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for re-enrollment may be required and will be included in the notification of suspension or upon re-admittance. A student who received a letter of suspension is considered to not be in good standing at the College.
During the period of suspension, the student may not participate in College academic or extracurricular activities; may be barred from all property owned or operated by the College; and depending on the severity of the charge, the student may not be allowed completion of their degree during the time period of suspension. Students who are suspended may not be on campus without specific, prior written permission of the Dean of Student Success, Director of Public Safety, or designee.
Suspension is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe sanctions, including expulsion, if found in any further violations of the Code of Conduct. Suspensions will be recorded internally, in the student's conduct file/record, the College's student database, and will be part of the student's permanent academic record, but not indicated on a transcript.
Expulsion is the permanent separation of the student from the college. Students who have been expelled may not be on campus without prior, specific, written permission from the Dean of Student Success or designee. A student who is expelled is considered to have their relationship with the college severed. The student will not be allowed completion of their degree awarded by the institution. Expulsions will be recorded internally, in the student's conduct file/record, the College's student database, and the student's permanent academic record.
Revocation of admission and/or degree
Admission to or a degree awarded from the college may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation, or other violation of college standards in obtaining the degree, or for other serious violations committed by a student prior to graduation.
Withholding transcript/certification/degree
The college may withhold transcripts or delay awarding a degree/certificate that may otherwise be earned until the completion of the process set forth in the Code of Conduct, including the completion of all interviews during an investigation, and completion of any imposed sanctions or penalties.
Per Title IX sanction requirements, any violation of Title IX may be included in one or more of the following student files: Title IX case file, student conduct file, and permanent academic records.